Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Alyssa Method

           Hello. If you find yourself reading this, it is because you sent away for my course, and if you did THAT, it’s because you need to learn how to become a better AP English student. A better grade? Increased confidence and fluidity? Advanced mental techniques that will help you at home or in Ms. Serensky’s classroom? Well, yes, I can offer you all these things…but in order to have and enjoy them, you have to create a new YOU! More than just a writing course, I designed the Alyssa Method to produce bright and capable young men and women who can inherit the challenging, promising, and often difficult world that awaits them in AP English. Below you will learn what you can do to survive the world of AP English.


        Both the body and mind are parts of a biological robot that our immaterial souls inhabit. Likewise, you and your writing partner share the same bond. Like any machine, you can tune and improve your writing partner relationship to make it run more efficiently. Through meditation and daily mind-reading exercises, you and your writing partner may come to use your minds in ways that you never thought possible.


          In AP English, you will explore the connection between mind, body, and hand. You will learn how to conquer the possibility of sick days, because trust me: you will not have time for these in AP English. I also recomend a number of techniques for relaxing and alleviating the cramps in your hand muscles.


           Just as you evolved into a whole organic being, complete unto yourself, so are you also part of a larger and more intelligent organism: Ms. Serensky. When Ms. Serensky feels strong and healthy in mind and body, you will want to react in a healthy and positive way also. You will change your classroom for the better, and you will improve both yourself and your fellow AP Englisher.

         So, in conclusion, welcome to the Alyssa Method for AP English fitness and self-improvement—a step-by-step guide to realizing exciting potentials latent within you. You will find a bright new English class just around the corner. It will need English heroes just as badly as your current English class does, and one of them could become YOU!

All best wishes and encouragement,
Alyssa Marquette


  1. This post stood out to me as one of the more creative ones on this topic, so good job! I liked the use of Watchmen in this post, especially the ending when you emphasize the need for heroes. I also find it funny that you parallel advising people entering AP English to Veidt trying to manipulate people as part of his world domination plot.

  2. Alyssa my favorite moment in this guide is the point about Ms. Serensky's affect on the class with her personality of the day! I agree that a positive or negative reaction takes over the class when we read the quote on the board or listen to our teacher's first instructions. Great work! I will follow your guide for the last five days of class!

  3. I loved your post, Alyssa! You followed Veidt's template very well, and your allusions to his ridiculous words made me laugh. I really liked your section on writing partners, for I believe that juniors enter AP English woefully unprepared for the power of this partnership. A writing partner can make or break thw quarter, and learning how to collaborate with and rely on another person in the stressful English environment can prove difficult. Mind-reading would indeed improve a partnership's efficiency.
